Above: Christmas day evening from Jersey City to NYC.
As we all know from our health care providers an annual physical is a good idea! I hope you got yours and stay active! January is the busiest time for new gym memberships. I'm going to try to up the routine a bit and not get stuck in the lazy rut.
I finally went in for my check up last week. So of course I couldn't resist the opportunity to photograph the battery of tests they do on me.
So there is a squeamish alert here. If you do not like blood or needles do not look at the photos below. It's not gory - just me in process.
On a brighter note there was an interesting guy who buries himself in pigeons and just loves it. I captured a bunch of shots of him and his new pets.
Have a happy and healthy holiday celebration, and on to 2013!!
Needle - Fujifilm XF1 - ISO 500 F/1.8 @ 1/160th
Pigeons - Fujifilm XE-1 with XF14mm and XF18-55mm ISO 200-320 F/4 @ 1/500th approx

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