Thursday, November 01, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Hits NYC

This week has been one of those hard to describe life experiences. Unless you've lived a disaster before then it's kind of hard to feel the smells and pain in words alone. Life in most of Manhattan below 33rd street is dark and without power since Monday at 8:25pm.  When the power goes out you experience a new kind of darkness. Cell service is down and spotty, water pressure is lower or gone, subways and tunnels are filling with water, traffic lights are out and food is running low.  

It's been a few days and I had to drive 85 miles before I found an open gas station on the Merritt Parkway (others were closed due to no power or sold out of gas or had lines of over 50 cars). If you've watched the news gas is out in NYC and limited in NJ. I could go on and on about the massive destruction I saw as I traveled around lower NYC but this is mostly a photo blog so I'm going to get to posting some photos. 

The first set is to show you the absolute stark difference between uptown and downtown. Friends uptown don't see or feel the crisis the same way. They have power and streams of people are making the trek to power above 33rd. 


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Hi Brandon - saw your amazing photos reflecting the courage, devastation, insanity and surreal stuff of life - you certainly know how to evoke the reality with beauty and sorrow ...thanks for your art,, mia (friend of karen)


A Quick Look at the 1972 Hasselblad 500C/M

Just a few snaps of the awesome and durable 500C/M.