Over the past two days I've had some time to work with the new Fujifilm X-E1.
I am shooting the camera with the Fujifilm XF lenses 18mm, 35mm, & 60mm. ISO is varies from 200-2000.
Here are some images from the Fujifilm XF lenses the other night for the World Trade Center memorial beams of light. They are a bit faint in the distance, above. If you'd like to see what the beams look like check my other post here - http://brandonremler.blogspot.com/2012/09/world-trade-center-twin-tower-beams.html
These are all quick jpegs.
Some quick specs on the new X-E1 are:
The FUJIFILM X-E1 follows in the tradition of the award-winning FUJIFILM X-Pro1 and utilizes the same proprietary 16.3 Megapixel APS-C X-Trans CMOS sensorTM and the same X-Mount for use with FUJINON XF lenses, all in a body that is 30% smaller than the FUJIFILM X-Pro1.
With its compact, travel-friendly size, the X-E1 promises to be an exciting addition to the FUJIFILM X-Series. It will be available in two classic designs: a two-tone black and silver, and a solid black. Both versions of the X-E1 will also ship as kits with the XF18mm-55mm (27-84mm) F2.8-4 lens in November 2012.
FUJIFILM original “X-Mount” maximizes lens performance
Specifically designed to take advantage of the camera’s mirrorless design, the X-Mount has a short flange back distance of just 17.7mm made possible by designing the mount ring as thin as 2.5mm. This means the rear lens elements are as close as possible to the sensor, reducing the back focus distance of each lens to the minimum possible, thus achieving high resolution from edge to edge. And when fitted with a FUJIFILM M Mount Adapter, the X-E1 can use a wide variety of M lenses to broaden the scope of your photography.
2.36 million dot "Organic LED (OLED) electronic viewfinder"
The FUJIFILM X-E1 camera comes equipped with a high definition, high luminance OLED electronic viewfinder with a resolution of 2.36 million dots that is one of the highest resolutions available on an EVF-equipped digital camera today. The natural, bright viewfinder offers a horizontal field of view of 25-degrees, allowing users to scan the entire scene quickly and easily.

FUJIFILM X-E1 key features list:
• 16.3 megapixel APS-C X-Trans CMOS Sensor and EXR Processor Pro
• Extra high resolution 2.36 million dot Organic OLED viewfinder
• 2.8-inch (460K dot) LCD
• Built-in pop-up TTL Flash
• ISO100 – 25600 (range of ISO200-6400 when using ISO Auto)
• Q Menu shortcut button
• In-camera RAW converter
• Film simulation modes (Velvia, ASTIA, PROVIA, Monochrome, Sepia, PRO Neg.Std & PRO Neg.Hi)
• Multiple exposure and panoramic shooting modes
• Auto Bracketing functions (AE/ISO/DR and FS)
• Full HD Movie (1920x1080)
• Approximately 350 shots per battery charge
And here are some images from a walk around the park with the X-E1 and the 18 & 35mm lenses.
I am an employee of FUJIFILM North America Corporation.
statements, comments and opinions expressed here represent my own,
personal views and are not endorsed by, or affiliated in any way with,
FUJIFILM North America Corporation or its affiliates.
Such a nice camera, and such sample shots?
ReplyDeleteSo what ? and your own opinion ?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you post the full size out of the camera shots so we can really see the IQ of this camera.
ReplyDeleteThey look no better than Nikon's P7100.
ReplyDeleteThat's the funniest one I've read all day.
DeleteSeriously beautiful images, files are so clean, almost like less brittle Foveon images with better high ISO. Great job.
I think the image quality looks great!
ReplyDeleteGreat DR on the images and thanks for posting this :D
ReplyDeleteDave from iPhotocourse.com
Quiero ver fotos de acción!!!
ReplyDeleteEso de comparar esta cámara con una Coolpix P7100, me parece una ofensa! Quien dice algo al respecto?
Beautiful images, it's a pity that the EXIF data is stripped, but I can sort of tell which are the 18 and which are with the 35. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous Images - can't wait for this to hit Australian shops!
ReplyDeleteHyviä kuvia. Aion kyllä hankkia tuon kameran jossakin vaiheessa sen markkinoille tulon jälkeen. Mutta en niinkään kuvien laadun, vaan kunnollisten manuaalisten säätöjen vuoksi. Kamerassa pitää olla oikea valotusaikakiekko, muuten en sitä kameraksi laske ollenkaan Nyt alkaa olla aika siirtyä filmistä digitaaliseen kuvaukseen, vaikka vanhoista kameroistani en koskaan luovukaan.
ReplyDeleteSamaa mieltä. Kuvat näyttää ihan hyviltä. Itellä harkinnassa Nikon D600, mutta tämmönen ulkomitoiltaan pienempi setti voisi kenties ajaa saman asian? Nikoniin löytyisi putkia valmiiksi, mutta käynevät tähänkin adapterin kanssa. Monikohan blogin lukijoista ymmärtää suomen kieltä? :)
ReplyDeleteMoi !
DeleteTodennäköisesti ne Nikonin objektiivit käyvät sovitteella oikein hyvin. Tällaista olen ainakin lukenut netistä, kun ihmiset ovat testanneet noita sovitteita X-PRO1 'n kanssa.
Minulla on Minoltan kameroita ja venäläisiä Zenit-kameroita, joiden jälkimmäisten huippuhyvät linssit aion sovittaa tähän. eBay 'stä löytyy paljon hyviä sovitemyyjiä jo nykyisin.
Se, että ihmiset eivät ymmärrä tätä, on melkein sama asia, kuin tuolla aiemmin jonkun postitus sellaisella kielellä (espanja?), jota minä en ymmärrä ollenkaan.
Tästä X-E1'stä vielä, että se täyttää minun toiveeni, mutta jos Fuji joskus tekee samanlaisen täydellä kennolla, harkitsen kyllä sitäkin vakavasti, ellei hinta ole ylivoimaisen suuri. Hyvää jatkoa toivotellen...
Wonderful images Brandon.... loving the concept of the X-E1 so far! Are you able to comment on the refresh rate of the EVF? I'm hoping it's been improved over the x100/xpro1 as those were a little laggy in low light....
ReplyDeleteGreat images.
ReplyDeleteNew York is just one great city. Especially for photographers. My wife and I visited NYC just a few weeks ago. You can actually see the hotel we staid in on one of your images. Take a look at the one from the Queensboro Bridge. See the larger grey building on the right hand side? That´s´the Z Hotel which we staid at.
Anyway, great images and I love your blog.
Daniel (Germany)
Thanks for the comments (most of them). These images were from a pre-production unit and image quality is expected to match the X-Pro1 since it shares the same 16mp XTrans sensor. So I don't think it's time to judge full files - nor do I feel the sensor will have anything but amazing performance like it currently does in the X-Pro1. Just trying to share some quick shots from 48hrs with the camera....EVF - too early a unit to judge that - more soon! Thanks for your understanding.
ReplyDeleteCan someone tell me if i could use a 15mm voigtländer with the new evf on the lovely X-E1. With the adapter of course and i know it doesn't make really sense since fuji has they're own 14mmF2.8 R lens.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if the old Fujinon XF manual focus lenses will mount to the new digital X-E1 body? The lens mount designation is the same.
ReplyDeleteHello Brandon, This is Jonathan...we used to talk film around the time I retired from Seliger's in 1998. Your donations of odd film stock samples were so encouraging back then when I was getting my sea-legs. Fujifilm are a great company...from the large-format lenses and GX680 through the GA645 to XPAN and H-series, to this incredible new generation of X-cameras. I can't tell you how creatively happy the X100 has made me. Thanks so much for having the energy and courage to post these stunning images along with your clear-eyed review of the X-E1. Mine is ordered and paid for. I can't wait!!