Last week as I drove home I decided to pop by the Brooklyn East River shore and shoot the skyline with the light beams for 9-11. Of course it just happened to be 9-11-14 so I wasn't the only one with that idea. Here are some snaps from the evening.

I decided to play around with a double exposure - one in focus and one out of focus led to this effect.
Ok this is where it got interesting. As I walked back to my car I saw this great scene popping through the fence so I shot a few frames. Something caught my eye and I was bothered by the light flare happening all over the frame! Note the center spots and the upper right flare. This is not something I am willing to endure. So I took a look at my lens and immediately took off my B&W filter and all was clear! Wow!
I love this shot of some tourists who thought the whole park was closed and tried to get a shot through a tear in the tarp. I shared the location around the corner and off they went.
PS- Thanks for reading down this far. Yes I dropped the full moon in the top shot. It is impossible to see the moon rise from Brooklyn looking west towards NYC. So I took some liberty....
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